Weather Videos

This is a video I took of the storm that came through Eau Claire. It is the first thunderstorm that came through the area for this year. You can see one very large strike and the thunder afterwards. The thunder comes a long time after the strike so you can tell by this that the lightning strike was rather far away.


This is a video of a huge dust storm! This dust storm engulfed Mesa Arizona back in July of 2011. Strong winds and lose soil made possible this dust storm. If you watch the entire video you will see how much the winds pick up and how dark the dust storm makes everything


This is a video of a snow devil. This is something you might not expect to see very often but with the right wind condition these can happen. This one is from Wyoming on a ski hill. 


Most of the time people think that lightning and thunder only happen during strong rain storms. Even though it is rare, lightning can happen even during a snow storm. This is a video of Jim Cantore in Chicago doing a report when a 2 lightning strike interrupt him. 

This is a video of a fire tornado! These are very rare and this fire tornado happened in Hawaii. The combination of local fires and strong circulating winds created this fire tornado. 


This is a really cool time lapse of a blizzard in Northeastern USA (2010). There was over 25 inches of snow in 24 hours, which averages over an inch an hour. You can clearly see that most of the snow comes during the night time.

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